on December 9th, 2016



  • Skills and know-how in the latest technologies in mechanical engineering
  • Hard hitting know-how in pumps, compressors, piping, seals and machinery safety
  • Guidance from experts in the field of mechanical engineering technology
  • Networking contacts in the industry
  • Improved career prospects and income
  • A worldclass Advanced Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Technology 


The next intake starts on the week of January 23, 2017.

Payment is not required until 2 to 4 weeks before the start of the program.

EIT Advanced Diploma of Mechanical Engineering Technology endorsed by the International Society of Automation (ISA)


Past student Peter Bramall talking about his experience with EIT while studying the Advanced Diploma of Mechanical Engineering Technology:




Whilst there is probably not a serious shortage of theoretically oriented practitioners in mechanical engineering, there is a shortage of highly skilled practically oriented mechanical technologists and engineers in the world today, due to the new technologies only recently becoming a key component of all modern plants, factories and offices. The critical shortage of experts in the area has been accentuated by retirement, restructuring and rapid growth in new industries and technologies. This is regardless of the recession in many countries.

Many businesses throughout the world comment on the difficulty in finding experienced mechanical engineers and technologists despite paying outstanding salaries. For example, about two years ago a need developed for mechanical technologists and engineers in building process plants. The interface from the traditional SCADA and industrial automation system to the web and to mechanical equipment has also created a new need for expertise in these areas. Specialists in these areas are few and far between.

The aim of this 18 month Online Learning program is to provide you with core skills in working with mechanical engineering technology and systems and to take advantage of the growing need by industry here.

The five threads running through this program are:

  1. Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering Technologies
  2. Applications of Mechanical Engineering Technologies
  3. Energy Systems
  4. Industrial Automation
  5. Management

Who Should Complete this Program

  • Plant operations and maintenance personnel
  • Design engineers
  • Process technicians, technologists and engineers
  • Process control engineers and supervisors
  • Mechanical technicians, technologists and engineers
  • Mechanical equipment sales engineers
  • Pump and mechanical equipment operators
  • Contract and asset managers 

Course Structure

The course is composed of 21 modules to provide you with maximum practical coverage in the field of Mechanical Engineering Technology:

  1. Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering
  2. Structural Mechanics
  3. Mechanical Drive Systems
  4. Ac Electrical Motors and Drives
  5. Rotating Equipment Balancing, Alignment and Condition Monitoring
  6. Hydraulics
  7. Pneumatics
  8. Lubrication Engineering
  9. Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning
  10. Process Plant Layout and Piping Design
  11. Pipeline Systems
  12. Pumps and Compressors
  13. Mechanical Seals
  14. Safe Lifting
  15. Fundamentals of Professional Engineering
  16. Machinery Safety
  17. Energy Efficiency
  18. Renewable Energy Systems
  19. Industrial Automation
  20. Measurement and Control Systems
  21. Management of Hazardous Areas


Contact Our Course Advisors

Click here to contact us to receive assistance from our experienced Course Advisors.

Enquire abut our online engineering course fees


In Company Online Training Solutions

Special class groups can be arranged on request to match your own schedule. If you have a large number of staff who should complete any of our programs, read more about EIT’s In Company Online Training HERE and contact us to assist you further.



To access the detailed program brochure, please complete this form.
EIT Advanced Diploma of Mechanical Engineering Technology

Fee Information

Course Fees

What are the fees for my country?

The Engineering Institute of Technology (EIT) provides distance education to students located almost anywhere in the world – it is one of the very few truly global training institutes. Course fees are paid in a currency that is determined by the student’s location. A full list of fees in a currency appropriate for every country would be complex to navigate and, with today’s exchange rate fluctuations, difficult to maintain. Instead we aim to give you a rapid response regarding fees that is customised to your individual circumstances.

We understand that cost is a major consideration before a student commences study. For a rapid reply to your enquiry regarding courses fees and payment options, please enquire via the below button and we will respond within 2 business days.

Enquire abut our online engineering course fees

EIT Advanced Diploma Course Payment Options

Two payment options are available for the Advanced Diploma courses;


Pay total amount upfront to receive a 5% reduction in fees.


This option allows for even monthly payments. The first payment is required at least four weeks before the course starts, then one on the same date every month for the remaining period. For the duration of the program, you receive access to the complete electronic library of technical manuals published by IDC Technologies which contains over 160 manuals with more than 40,000 pages of useful content.

Discounts are available for group bookings

For a rapid reply to your query regarding course fees and payment options, please contact us with your name, email address, course title(s), and location using the form below, and we will respond within 2 business days.

Enquire abut our online engineering course fees

More Courses

More courses available from EIT’s School of Mechanical Engineering

Accredited Diploma and Advanced Diploma Programs

  • Advanced Diploma of Mechanical Engineering TechnologyI

Professional Development Series

  • Advanced Professional Certificate in Applied Industrial Thermodynamic Systems for Power Generation, HVAC, Refrigeration, Aviation
  • Professional Certificate of Competency in Chemical Engineering and Plant Design
  • Professional Certificate of Competency in Gas Turbine Engineering
  • Professional Certificate of Competency in Mechanical Engineering
  • Professional Certificate of Competency in Fundamentals of Process Plant Layout and Piping Design
  • Professional Certificate of Competency in Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (HVAC)
  • Professional Certificate of Competency in Onshore and Offshore Pipeline Systems


Mechanical Engineering encompasses the conceptualisation, design, manufacture, control and maintenance of machines ranging from a conveyer, space shuttle to nanotechnology based objects. In broad terms, mechanical engineering channels the energy and forces in nature to the service of people. The fields in which mechanical engineering professionals operate are wide – ranging from oil and gas, power generation, water utilities, process plants, mining, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing and defence.

A diploma or course in mechanical engineering is ideal for anyone wanting to get involved in the general engineering (whether design or maintenance) of large plants, especially as a plant engineer. Recently, mechanical engineering has begun to include many new systems in the electronics and control arena such as programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and SCADA as these are critical to the control of mechanical devices.

Students in EIT’s School of Mechanical Engineering can study Mechanical Engineering courses with subjects that include: mechanics, structural engineering, drive systems, rotating equipment, hydraulics, pneumatics, lubrication engineering, HVAC, pumps, compressors, machinery safety, energy efficiency and renewable energy sources.

The focus in EIT’s School of Mechanical Engineering is in providing students with both deep and broad skills in mechanical engineering technology, focusing on real systems. Whilst there is probably not a shortage of theoretically orientated practitioners in mechanical engineering, there is a need for highly skilled, practically oriented engineers, technologists and technicians, due to the rapidly increasing use of new technologies which are becoming a key component of all modern plants and equipment. Studying our mechanical engineering programs online means that you do not have to take extended periods away from existing work commitments.



I: Vocational Education & Training (VET) program

II: Higher Education program

Reviews & Frequently Asked Questions

How to Stay Alive and Flourish

One of EIT’s South African students, Rephinus Omoro, recently graduated from the Advanced Diploma of Mechanical Engineering. When Rephinus started investigating further study he was working for Kusile Fabrication Pty Ltd, as their CNC Foreman; responsible for programming the Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines and overseeing the machining production process.

Rephinus finds his work fulfilling however he was looking to upgrade his skills and anticipating opportunities for a promotion. Because he wasn’t able to put work on hold while studying, the EIT became an attractive option; online, flexible and specialising in a range of engineering fields. Read his full story here.

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Henry Ulgen is another EIT student who has been able to advance his career in Australia thanks to his participation in this Advanced Diploma: “My enrolment with EIT has assisted me in securing a new job in production management as I am able to demonstrate that I am working towards gaining a technical qualification“.

Knowledge is Power – Mmetli Lesoletsile, Debswana Diamond Company, Botswana

In November 2015 I was nominated to act as Planning Coordinator which is a management position. This was after I shared details of my Advanced Diploma Course with EIT with my employer. One thing that he wants to see is that employees are progressing in terms of education.  What he likes about EIT is that no work time is lost by employees going away to study.

Now that EIT has introduced degree courses, I can’t wait to enroll after I complete my Advanced Diploma, and now I have support from my Employer. Besides promotion, one thing that I see and my employer has picked up as well, is that my approach to work has changed completely, which is something positive.

It is true, knowledge is power.

“I had a wonderful time, really enjoyed this program, I would like to thank you for your support and help during this. EIT has a wonder support team, thankful for that, I would definitelyrecommend EIT to my friends. I feel ready to face the real world.” A. Sahib (Canada)

My enrolment in the AdipEng with EIT has assisted me in securing a new job in production management as I am able to demonstrate that I am working towards gaining a technical qualification”. H. Ulgen  (Australia)

“I am so excited to complete my 18 months of intensive studying with EIT and about to acquire my highest qualification. It really makes me proud as it has added value in my life. I remember at one point things went so difficult that I thought of calling it quits, but your support was overwhelming and came at a time when I needed it the most. Thanks a lot for that.” T. Moesi (Botswana)

“This is a good course and would love to see more people enrolling, you are educating the world EIT, i like that, you are bringing hope to those who were hopeless.” M. Lesoletsile (Botswana)

Any questions? Click here to view our Frequently Asked Questions.

Education Pathways

Education Pathways – Choose a path that is right for you

EIT now has several education pathways available to you, allowing you more flexibility and choice.

  • Pathway WITH Credit

Completing an EIT Advanced diploma provides a convenient exit point which ensures that you still receive a qualification should you need withdraw from your studies early. If you successfully complete an EIT Advanced Diploma and choose to continue your studies, you will be eligible to receive credit for a significant proportion of an EIT bachelor degree, fast-tracking your studies.

Alternatively, if you have completed a prior qualification from another institution, you may still be eligible to apply for credit. If successful, you may choose to progress through a Bachelor degree, with part-time or full-time, completing the required units as they are scheduled.

  • Pathway WITHOUT Credit

If you are not eligible to apply for credit, you can enter directly into our Bachelor program, and select either a full-time or part-time intensive study load depending on your personal circumstances.

You are now able to progress smoothly through to a Master qualification, with our unique, practical delivery model. In some cases you are able to select between our interactive online approach or classroom based learning (or a combination of both); however this is subject to availability. Please contact us for more information.

The diagram included below aims to help you understand how you can seamlessly progress your engineering career with EIT in a successful way. The options include: part-time and full-time study mode; pathways with and without credit; and suitable “exit” or “rest” points that allow you to earn accredited and valuable qualifications while you continue to work. You can also view the Online Routes to Engineering Career Success diagram by clicking here.

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Engineering Institute of Technology