In association with Professor Vivian Tam .This paper reviews and analyses frequent injure spots of construction workers, and its causes of the relevant injures.
Case studies are adopted in highlight the relationship of illnesses, injuries and fatalities of construction workers.
Health and safety interference is expressed in terms of ergonomic factors, wellness programme, proper training, site cleanliness and ordered, and safety culture. Risk and hazards analysis could help identifying root causes. Proper assistant in solving problems is required for the aging workforce in construction industry.
Hong Kong construction workforce is aging as thousands of well experienced and skilful workers moving toward retirement age. Aged workers provide a significant contribution to construction industry in terms of skills, knowledge and experience. Besides, health is the major factor for construction workers as construction industry is one of the most physically demanding works.
Some developed countries, such as United States and Canada, are facing similar situation of aging construction workforce.
Available technologies on assistant robotic machine is thoroughly investigated and compare its suitability, cost and benefits for the Hong Kong construction industry.
Suggestions are also provided for the Hong Kong construction industry.