We are committed to the scholarship of discovery as it contributes to the institution’s academic advancement.
EIT focuses on the delivery of programs relevant to today’s industry needs. Consequently, we seek that our scholar research:
- includes original research that advances knowledge;
- synthesizes information across topics, disciplines and/or time; and,
- is presented in a format that will allow evaluation by others through public sharing.
Furthermore, EIT’s scholar research activities expand to ensure the inclusion of the reality of contemporary life, such as sponsoring technical conferences and events that bring together relevant industry experts and professionals to share their knowledge and industry experience in an effort to advance their particular fields.
An Awareness Study of Smart Meters Radiation on Human Head
Dr Akhlaqur Rahman16 December, 2020
In the current state-of-the-art for smart grid technology, A key proponent for progress has been the advances made in the domain of smart meters. Essentially, smart meters are digital devices that use the wireless radio frequency (RF) technology to communicate in real-time with the energy utility company. Similar to their...Read More
Evaluation of 4D BIM tools applicability in construction planning efficiency
Dr Ana Evangelista3 November, 2020
Worldwide the construction industry presents a significant demand for new technologies ensuring certainty, cost-effectiveness and time efficiency. Modern construction relies on digital resources, and one of the most prominent novelties is Building Information Modelling (BIM). Construction planning effectiveness is based on clear communication and integration between project planners and other...Read More
Mathematical Modelling of the Effect of X/R and Short Circuit Ratio on Voltage in a Distribution System Connected Wind Farm
Dr Morteza Alizadeh1 November, 2020
Increasing capacity of interconnected wind farms to distribution networks significantly affects voltage stability because of wind farm limitation in regulating reactive power. Therefore, the main aspect in the design and planning of a distribution system connected wind farm is to analyse voltage stability at the Point of Common Coupling (PCC)....Read More
A Mathematical Method for Induction Generator Based Wind Power Plant Sizing and Siting in Distribution Network
Dr Morteza Alizadeh30 July, 2020
Throughout the world, Induction Generators (IGs) have been commonly used in numerous installations of Wind Power Plants (WPPs) due to their simple construction, low cost, etc. However, IGs are not capable of controlling reactive power and regulating terminal voltage. This adversely impacts voltage stability at the Point of Common Coupling...Read More
Investigation into the Impact of Cable Failure Localisation Methods on the Underground Cable Life Time in a Medium Voltage Distribution Network
Dr Morteza Alizadeh and Samuel Afotey30 July, 2020
The use of underground cables is essential in power distribution networks as they mitigate the issues related to space availability and minimise line breakdown and increase system reliability. However, the detection and localization of cable fault is challenging due to the limited access to the cable burned under the ground....Read More
Properties of high-strength lightweight concrete using manufactured aggregate
Dr Ana Evangelista14 July, 2020
The physical and mechanical properties of high-strength lightweight concrete were investigated considering various parameters including mixture design proportions, dosages and types of superplasticiser and silica fume and cement content aiming at a design strength of 45 MPa. The experimental results of density, tensile strength, modulus of elasticity and efficiency factor (ratio...Read More
Developing a Mathematical Model for Wind Power Plant Siting and Sizing in Distribution Networks
Professor Akhtar Kalam and Dr Morteza Alizadeh6 July, 2020
Wind Power Plants (WPPs) are generally located in remote areas with weak distribution connections. Hence, the value of Short Circuit Capacity (SCC), WPP size and the short circuit impedance angle ratio (X/R) are all very critical in the voltage stability of a distribution system connected WPP. This paper presents a...Read More
James Mackay2 July, 2020
EIT focuses on the delivery of programs relevant to today’s industry needs. Consequently, we seek that our scholar research: includes original research that advances knowledge; synthesizes information across topics, disciplines and/or time; and, is presented in a format that will allow evaluation by others through public sharing. Furthermore, EIT’s scholar...Read More
Current state of research in application of disruptive technologies in engineering education
Indumathi V, Dr Arti Siddhpura and Dr Milind Siddhpura12 June, 2020
Disruptive innovation technologies have made their way in the field of academia during the past few years. A plethora of literature exists investigating the applications of various disruptive technologies in the field of engineering education. The directions for future research however are still obscured by the copious amount of literature...Read More
Deformation and toughness behavior of β -type titanium alloys comprising C15-type Laves phase
Dr Chirag Rabadia25 February, 2020
Laves phases are effective in tailoring the mechanical properties of alloys used for structural engineering applications. Therefore, it is an emerging research significance to investigate the deformation features of alloys comprising a Laves phase. In this work, the Ti–33Zr–xFe–yCr (x = 5, 7 wt% and y = 2, 4 wt%) alloys were designed in such a...Read More
Recycled ceramic fine aggregate for masonry mortar production
Dr Ana Evangelista6 September, 2019
Construction and demolition waste is composed of fragments of ceramic tiles, steel, wood, plaster, glass, concrete and mortar. Reduction and reuse of this waste can minimise the consumption of natural resources and energy in the construction industry. In addition, high population growth followed by a large housing deficit in many...Read More
Improved trade-off between strength and plasticity in titanium based metastable beta type Ti-Zr-Fe-Sn alloys
Dr Chirag Rabadia26 August, 2019
An impressive strengthening ability of Laves phases is favorable to develop titanium alloys with an improved trade-off between strength and plasticity. Therefore, the Ti-xZr-7Fe-ySn (x = 25, 30, 35 wt% and y = 1, 2 wt%) alloys were first designed in such a manner that a Laves phase would precipitate in these alloys and then the investigated alloys...Read More
A novel settling tank for produced water treatment: CFD simulations and PIV experiments
Harisinh Parmar20 August, 2019
Removal of solids is a critical step in the treatment of produced water generated by offshore hydrocarbon exploration. Present work evaluates a new design of a settling tank that can be used for continuous separation of fine particles from produced water. The novelty of the design lies in its ability generate...Read More
A framework to estimate heat energy loss in building operation
Dr Ana Evangelista9 July, 2019
Heat energy loss in buildings occurs by two means, namely Fabric Heat Loss and Ventilation Heat Loss. Loss occurs when energy flows out through building envelope from inner warmer air to cooler air located external to the building. The purpose of this study is to identify and estimate the proportion of Heat...Read More
Simultaneous measurements of two phases using an optical probe
Harisinh Parmar6 July, 2019
For a detailed characterisation of multiphase flows, a local measurement technique that is capable of quantifying both continuous and dispersed phases has to be employed. In the present study, a new optical probe was tested for its ability to provide simultaneous local measurements of gas and liquid/solid in a three-phase...Read More
Energy-efficient optimal task offloading in cloud networked multi-robot systems
Dr Akhlaqur Rahman28 May, 2019
Task offloading plays a critical role in cloud networked multi-robot systems for leveraging computation support from cloud infrastructure and benefiting greatly from the well-developed cloud network facilities. However, considering the delay constraint, the extra costs of data transmission and remote computation, it is not trivial to make optimized offloading decisions....Read More
Deformation and strength characteristics of Laves phases in titanium alloys
Dr Chirag Rabadia27 May, 2019
The superior reinforcement nature of Laves phases make them suitable for high-strength applications. Therefore, investigations on the deformation and strength characteristics of Laves phases are useful in development of an improved Laves phase-reinforced alloy. In this work, the Vickers micro-indentation method is used to evaluate and compare the deformation and strength characteristics...Read More
Evaluation of Carbon Nanotube Incorporation in Cementitious Composite Materials
Dr Ana Evangelista8 May, 2019
Over the last decades, new materials with outstanding performance have been introduced in the construction industry. Considering these new technologies, it is worth mentioning that nanotechnology has revolutionized various areas of engineering. In the area of civil engineering and construction, cement is used for various purposes and the search to...Read More
Integrating Parametric Analysis with Building Information Modeling to Improve Energy Performance of Construction Projects
Dr Ana Evangelista22 April, 2019
Buildings demand a significant amount of energy during their life cycles, hence, effective design measures need to be adopted to ensure efficient energy usage and management in buildings. This study proposes a framework based on various performance parameters to enable decision-makers utilizing standard procedures and software to empower the process...Read More
Effect of fly ash and slag on concrete: Properties and emission analyses
Dr Ana Evangelista2 April, 2019
Recycled concrete is a material with the potential to create a sustainable construction industry. However, recycled concrete presents heterogeneous properties, thereby reducing its applications for some structural purposes and enhancing its application in pavements. This paper provides an insight into a solution in the deformation control for recycled concrete by...Read More
Switching Navigation for a Fleet of Mobile Robots in Multi-Obstacle Regions
Dr Ali Marzoughi26 January, 2019
This paper presents a collision-free navigation control algorithm for a fleet of mobile robots to traverse an unknown obstacle-ridden environment. The proposed leader-follower-based navigation rule guarantees that the robots maintain the minimum-allowed distance from the obstacles while in motion. In this algorithm, the leader plans the safest path based on...Read More
Improved deformation behavior in Ti-Zr-Fe-Mn alloys comprising the C14 type Laves and β phases
Dr Chirag Rabadia31 October, 2018
Laves phase alloys are promising materials for several structural applications, but the extreme brittleness is the predominant shortcoming of a Laves matrix. One potential solution to overcome this shortcoming is to alloy Laves matrix with some soft matrix. A group of Ti-35Zr-5Fe-xMn (x = 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 wt%) alloys was cast with an...Read More
Communication-aware cloud robotic task offloading with on-demand mobility for smart factory maintenance
Dr Akhlaqur Rahman7 October, 2018
The fourth industrial revolution introduces an ideal opportunity for inclusion of cloud-enabled robots in a factory environment to improve productivity and reduce human intervention. For this novel paradigm, task offloading plays a critical role in leveraging computation support from resourceful cloud infrastructure. In particular, network connectivity and on-demand mobility of...Read More
Decentralised Navigation Control of a Multi-Robot Team to Minimising Energy Consumption in an Unknown Obstacle-Ridden Area
Dr Ali Marzoughi7 October, 2018
This study presents a decentralised navigation algorithm for a team of mobile robots to traverse an unknown obstacle-ridden environment to detect and trap a target located in the region. The proposed navigational strategy guarantees that the robots maintain the minimum distance allowed to the obstacles while avoiding them to trap...Read More
Collision Free Navigation of a Multi-Robot Team for Intruder Interception
Dr Ali Marzoughi7 September, 2018
In this report, we propose a decentralised motion control algorithm for the mobile robots to intercept an intruder entering (k-intercepting) or escaping (e-intercepting) a protected region. In continuation, we propose a decentralized navigation strategy (dynamic-intercepting) for a multi-robot team known as predators to intercept the intruders or in the other...Read More
High-strength β stabilized Ti-Nb-Fe-Cr alloys with large plasticity
Dr Chirag Rabadia9 July, 2018
A group of Ti-27Nb-7Fe-xCr (x = 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 wt%) alloys were designed on the basis of the DV-Xα cluster method, molybdenum equivalent and valence electron to atom ratio. The designed alloys were produced using the cold crucible levitation melting process for studying their microstructures and mechanical properties. The alloying of Cr renders...Read More
Laves phase precipitation in Ti-Zr-Fe-Cr alloys with high strength and large plasticity
Dr Chirag Rabadia16 May, 2018
In this work, a novel serial of Ti-33Zr-xFe-yCr (x = 3, 5, 7 wt% and y = 2, 4 wt%) alloys was designed first with an expectation to obtain Laves phase in microstructure and then these alloys were produced using cold crucible levitation melting. Microstructure and phase analyses suggest the precipitation of a C15 type Laves...Read More
A review of recycled aggregate in concrete applications (2000–2017)
Dr Ana Evangelista3 April, 2018
Solid waste has been an inevitable by-product of the operations of industrialised societies. One result of economic growth is an increase in generation of solid waste which normally was dumped in landfills and caused contamination of soil, water and air from toxic substances such as polychlorinated bi-phenyls (PCB’s), asbestos, construction...Read More
Distributed control of a robotic network for protection of a region from intruders
Dr Ali Marzoughi26 March, 2018
This paper addresses a problem of intruder interception on the boundary of a protected region through the use of a network of mobile robots. A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a solution of this problem is obtained. We propose a decentralized motion control algorithm for the mobile...Read More
Navigating a mobile robot to avoid moving obstacles using virtual source/sink force field
Dr Ali Marzoughi26 March, 2018
This paper proposes a novel navigation strategy for a unicycle mobile robot in a cluttered area with moving obstacles based on the virtual field force algorithm. We consider each obstacle as a virtual source and each obstacle free area between every two obstacles as a virtual sink, which exert repulsive...Read More
Distance Learning – A Potential Opportunity for Thailand
Paul Maj21 October, 2017
Distance learning is a global phenomenon with a wide range of available courses; however concerns exist regarding both course quality and educational standards. Within Australia the further and higher education sectors are highly regulated by the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency and the Australian Skills Quality Authority respectively. All...Read More
A decentralized position estimation switching algorithm to avoid a convex obstacle
Dr Ali Marzoughi11 September, 2017
We proposed a decentralized formation control method and a path planning for a mobile robotic network to avoid an obstacle in an environment without the possibility of collision between the teammates. We applied the leader-follower pattern where the leader estimates the safest path to maintain the minimum allowable distance with...Read More
Maximizing the probability of intrusion detection by a fleet of mobile robots using an intelligent game theoretic approach
Dr Ali Marzoughi11 September, 2017
This paper presents an intelligent game based decision-making algorithm (IGD) for a fleet of mobile robots to maximize the probability of detection in a limited area. The agents have the minimum communication or even no communication result from a jamming attack by a given hostile. Thus, we proved that the...Read More
Aquaponic Integration and Automation – A Critical Evaluation
Paul Maj31 August, 2017
Aquaponics is technology developed from the aquaculture industry that integrates intensive farming of fish and utilizes plants (integrates hydroponics) in a continuous closed loop to clean the water for the fish. The plants clean the water of nitrate (waste form is initially ammonia) which has been converted into a form...Read More
Aquaponics – A Process Control Approach
Paul Maj18 August, 2017
An aquaponics automation design was undertaken to interpret the system requirements to integrate automation to operate and optimize the system. The system was designed to increase the layers of control over the inputs and outputs to operate the system with a process control approach. The viability of these levels of...Read More
Aquaponics Automation – Design Techniques
Paul Maj4 August, 2017
Aquaponics operators that have transitioned from hobby to commercial operators have commonly failed to meet commercial expectations. One of the reasons for failures is the occurrence of severe technical errors. Unexpected events can often have drastic financial consequences on new operators, which could be initially operating within tight margins. Standard...Read More
Critical parameters for the compressive strength of high-strength concrete
Dr Shasha Wang3 July, 2017
This study investigates the influence of several material properties underlying the failure mechanism of high-strength concrete (HSC) under uniaxial compression. An experimental-numerical characterization of a single inclusion block (SIB) – an idealized composite comprising of a granite cylindrical core embedded within a high-strength mortar (HSM) matrix – is first carried out. Parametric...Read More
Strategic Human Resource Management in International Organizations
Paul Maj15 June, 2017
This an initial study of Strategic Human Resources in Human Resource Management. This is important because in a globally competitive economy company longevity depends upon its more important aspect – their staff. This is principally governed by resource management principles and policies. This paper presents the results of a wide...Read More
Interface design and processing of bioactive microporous calcium phosphate coatings on load-bearing zirconia substrate
Dr Rumana Sultana1 June, 2017
This study presents the design and processing of interlocked interfaces of graded bioactive calcium phosphate coatings on a load-bearing zirconia substrate. Such interfacial structures can effectively enhance bonding between the coating and substrate, and suppress the residual stress across the interfacial region. Multiple coating layers with graded interconnected micropore structures,...Read More
Wastewater Automation – The Development of a Low Cost, Distributed Automation System
Paul Maj23 April, 2017
In developed countries wastewater management is considered a vital aspect of community health and wellbeing. Failures in wastewater management may result in the release of pathogens into natural water bodies and in extreme circumstances into drinking water. Illnesses caused by contamination range from gastroenteritis and viral infections to death. As...Read More
Industrial Network Security – A Critical Review
Paul Maj17 April, 2017
In advanced societies all aspects of commerce and industry are now based on networked IT systems. Failures of these systems have the potential to be extremely disruptive. The term Critical Infrastructure (CI) is used to define systems (private and public) considered vital to national interests whose interruption would have a...Read More
Improving Project Management Teaching Using Scaffolding Based on Cladistics Parsimony Analysis
Paul Maj8 April, 2017
There are numerous educational paradigms each with their advocates and critics. The cognitive science approach is based on modelling memory as short term and long term each with their different characteristics. All learning consists of an iterative cycle of assimilate and retrieve between these two types of memory. The objective...Read More
Improving the Teaching of Project Management Software Tools Using Scaffolding Based on Cladistics Parsimony Analysis
Paul Maj8 April, 2017
Project management software tools are essential tools for the different phases of projects. However a number of software tools exist ranging from the relatively simple to those that extremely feature rich. Feature rich software tools have their advantages due to their wide repertoire of options but can be difficult to...Read More
Chatter stability prediction for a flexible tool-workpiece system in a turning process
Dr Milind Siddhpura and Dr Arti Siddhpura6 March, 2017
The paper focuses on the chatter stability prediction for a flexible tool-workpiece system in a turning process. The dynamic model of the turning process presented here considers two end conditions of the flexible workpiece. Chatter-free (stable) cutting parameters are obtained analytically and stability lobe diagrams (SLDs) of a turning operation...Read More
Effect of high strain rate on compressive behavior of strain-hardening cement composite in comparison to that of ordinary fiber-reinforced concrete
Dr Shasha Wang16 January, 2017
This paper presents an experimental study on the effect of high strain rate on the compressive behavior of two strain-hardening cement based composites (SHCCs), compared to that of fiber-reinforced high-strength concretes (FRHSCs) with similar compressive strengths. One of the SHCCs was reinforced with 2% of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) fibers by...Read More
Cloud-Enhanced Robotic System for Smart City Crowd Control
Dr Akhlaqur Rahman21 December, 2016
Cloud robotics in smart cities is an emerging paradigm that enables autonomous robotic agents to communicate and collaborate with a cloud computing infrastructure. It complements the Internet of Things (IoT) by creating an expanded network where robots offload data-intensive computation to the ubiquitous cloud to ensure quality of service (QoS)....Read More
Australian VET Sector – A Critical Evaluation
Paul Maj19 December, 2016
The Australian Vocational Education and Training (VET) system is a comprehensive, national framework designed to provide quality outcomes for learners and meet the needs of potential employers. The interdependent checks and balances provide mechanisms for validating quality and relevance. Regular national surveys demonstrate that both students and employers are satisfied...Read More
Facilitating Network Technology Training in the Australian Vocational Education Sector
Paul Maj24 November, 2016
Within the Australian Further Education sector for lecturers in the IT field it is not uncommon to use vendor based curriculum. The advantages to this approach are that students can graduate not only with a national award (Certificate or Diploma) and also an internationally recognized vendor qualification. Furthermore, the larger...Read More
Effects of silanes and silane derivatives on cement hydration and mechanical properties of mortars
Dr Shasha Wang12 November, 2016
An experimental research was conducted with the objectives to study the effects silanes (amino, vinyl, and epoxy-based) and their derivatives (silane oligomers and silane nanoparticles) on cement hydration and mechanical properties of mortars. Silanes and silane derivatives are used as coupling agents to combine different compositions in mortars and to...Read More
Improving Teaching and Learning Outcomes – A Novel Cognitive Science Approach
Paul Maj8 October, 2016
Three principle approaches to education are behaviorism, constructivism and cognitive science. However beyond that there are a wide and diverse range of methods such as outcomes based education, problem based learning etc. All these approaches and methods have their associated advantages and disadvantages. The effectiveness of the educational process is...Read More