To obtain a certificate of completion for EIT’s Professional Certificate of Competency, students must achieve a 65% attendance rate at the live, online webinars. Detailed summaries/notes can be submitted in lieu of attendance. In addition, students must obtain a mark of 60% in the set assignments which could take the form of written assignments and practical assignments. Students must also obtain a mark of 100% in quizzes. If a student does not achieve the required score, they will be given an opportunity to resubmit the assignment to obtain the required score.
To ensure that competency has been achieved in diploma, advanced diploma, or graduate certificate modules, students must obtain 60% or higher in written assignments, group projects, and practical assessments for all modules. If a student does not demonstrate the required standard, they will be given an opportunity to resubmit the assignment to obtain the required score. For all Units of Competency students must successfully pass or achieve all questions. Students are not provided with a numerical mark for a Unit of Competency but receive an overall result of Achieved for the assessment once it has been successfully passed. If a student does not demonstrate the required standard, they will be given an opportunity to resubmit the assignment to obtain the required score. Students must also obtain a mark of 100% in quizzes. If a student is still not able to meet the required competency, they can transfer to a later intake of the program in order to try again.
For bachelor’s and master’s programs, a student’s progress is assessed for each unit and results awarded according to a grading scale. The weighting of each assessment (including attendance) in each unit is provided in the Unit Outline. A student must achieve an overall grade of 50% or above to pass the unit (including passing any mandatory exams or other requirements).
wdt_ID | Abbreviation | Notation | Grade definition | Percentage range (rounded) | GPA value |
1 | High Distinction | HD | Excellent | 85% - 100% | 4 |
2 | Distinction | D | Very good | 75% - 84% | 3 |
3 | Credit | C | Good | 65% - 74% | 2 |
4 | Pass | P | Pass | 50% - 64% | 1 |
5 | Fail | F | Fail | 0% - 49% | 0.3 |
6 | Fail Exam | FE | Failed exam of other mandatory requirement | 0% | 0.3 |
7 | Fail Withdrawn | FW | Withdrew after census date | N/A | 0.3 |
8 | Recognition of Prior Learning | RPL | N/A | N/A | N/A |