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16 February - 16 February, 2023

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16 February 2023 at 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM UTC+8

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Past event

The live presentation of this event has already taken place.

Please view the PDF slides here or watch the video recording below:

The privatized renewables-driven distributed grid is moving away from a utility-centric architecture and towards an end user-centric architecture. This shift is not going to be limited to any single segment or sub-sector. It is going to be much broader and even potentially total, simultaneously affecting several seemingly disparate segments.

The future power grid is going to be “multilateral.” The delivery in and out of the grid is going to get more complicated: utilities and developers needed to place solar or wind onto the most appropriate nodes, industrial customers need to understand which of their sites are most suitable for renewables and, more and more individuals will be placing solar panels on their rooftops and parking an EV in their garages. All these different actors would need to communicate with each other, trade with each other. and ultimately, balance each other so that the grid would be able to continue to function reliably. The coal- and gas-fired generation will be replaced by renewables and the core issue with renewables, is intermittency; the sun doesn’t always shine and the wind doesn’t always blow. All of a sudden, the power sector would need to become a lot better at the weather forecasting business. This requires highly sophisticated – not generic – AI and machine learning software. Likewise, on the demand side, the coming wave of EVs – even if, realistically, it might need to wait until sufficient charging infrastructure is built – is introducing an entirely new and volatile source of demand. As sources of both supply and demand increasingly fragment, participants need to look outside of their own organizations to collate and make sense of these new data streams in real-time. No one player holds all the cards anymore: that’s the nature of the multilateral grid. This is thus heavily reliant on first generating the most comprehensive data and analytics possible.

Key takeaways from this webinar:

  • Customer and data-centric design
  • Energy Transition
  • Data analytics, probabilistic modeling, and real-time risk-limiting control

Presenter: Professor Akhtar Kalam, EIT Academic Board Deputy Chair
BSc, BScEng, MS, PhD, FIET, CEng, FAIE, FIEAust, CPEng, NER, APEC Engineer, IntPE(Aus), PEV, MCIGRE, Life Senior Member of IEEE.

  • Head of External Engagement and Professor at Victoria University
  • Chair and Deputy Chair of TCA and EIT Academic Board, respectively
  • Director of Al-Kalam Educational Solutions
  • Editor-in-Chief of AJEEE
  • Distinguished Professor/Adjunct Faculty in Australia, India, Malaysia and Oman
  • Published over 610 publications in his area of expertise and written over 29 books in the area
  • Supervised 49 postgraduate research students to graduation consisting of 38 PhDs and 11 MEng. Currently, 12 postgraduate research students being supervised (one MEng student)
  • Public, University and Motivational Lecturer
  • Consultant for the electricity supply industries
  • Assisted in change management plans to Universities and higher education sector.


  • The University of Bath, Bath, UK, PhD, Electrical Engineering
  • The University of Oklahoma, Norman, USA, MS, Electrical Engineering
  • Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India, BScEng, Electrical Engineering
  • St Xavier’s College, Calcutta, India, Applied Science.

Professional Society Activities

  • Australian Institute of Energy – Fellow
  • Engineers Australia – Fellow
  • The Institution of Engineers and Technology, UK – Fellow
  • The Institution of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, USA –Life Senior Member.

Join us to learn more at this must-attend event for engineering professionals and aspiring engineers alike.

Reserve your spot at this free webinar today!

  • The webinar will be recorded and will be sent out to registered attendees afterwards.
  • A certificate of attendance will be provided to attendees who request one near the end of the live webinar session.

Please note: the time stated on this event is in Australian Western Standard Time (AWST). You will need to convert this to your own time zone.


16 February 2023
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM UTC+8
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Past event

Engineering Institute of Technology