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15 February - 15 February, 2023

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15 February 2023 at 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM UTC+8

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Meet an Engineering Specialist in Johannesburg

Join the Engineering Institute of Technology online, streaming out from EIT’s engineering face-to-face seminar in Johannesburg on Wednesday 15 February, 2023.

Dr. Steve Mackay, EIT’s Dean of Engineering, who has been based in Australia for over 30 years, will present an interactive seminar on ‘Practical Engineering for the Future – using Automation and Renewables as the Key Drivers.’ He will detail ways to apply sustainability and automation to your engineering projects – in the areas of electrical, mechanical, civil, and industrial automation engineering – as applied to such diverse areas as mining, infrastructure, construction, defense, energy, water, transport, medical, manufacturing, and consultancy.

Steve will highlight how the significant growth in climate change engineering, the drive for sustainability, cost efficiencies, and automation may impact your work.
In a lively debate, he will call on you (and your fellow attendees) to share your perspective on the future of engineering in South Africa.

Finally – in small groups – you will be tasked with outlining your team’s approach to a practical engineering project that will be given to you.

As Lee Lacocco, an American engineer says: “We are continually faced by great opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems.

Judging by our past events, this is a must-attend event for engineering professionals and aspiring engineers alike. It will be an opportunity to hear from a respected industry leader and to network with like-minded people – many of whom will have experience in automation and renewables.

Reserve your spot at this free seminar today!

About Dr. Steve Mackay

Steve Mackay Ph.D., a Chartered Professional Electrical, Chemical and Mechanical Engineer, has over 40 years of industry experience in Australia, Europe, Africa and North America. He has delivered training and education to 18,000 engineers and technicians throughout the world.


  1. Welcome to you.
  2. An insight into EIT: studying online or on-campus in Australia.
  3. A discussion: Practical Engineering for the Future.
  4.  Teamwork (in small groups) – solving an engineering challenge.
  5. Feedback and debate.


Who is EIT?

The Engineering Institute of Technology (EIT) provides practical education and training in engineering and technology, with most graduates in fulfilling and well-paid engineering jobs.

EIT offers excellence across its professional development courses, and in its Australian internationally accredited diplomas and advanced diplomas, bachelor and master degrees, and a professional Doctor of Engineering. The engineering lecturers and instructors, most with considerable industry experience and a passion for teaching, are drawn from around the world.

The live and interactive online platform of learning (with access to remote and virtual labs) reaches students in over 160 countries.

The degrees are also available on campus in Australia, using a blended approach to learning.

If you have any questions, please contact us at caroline.mackay@eit.edu.au

CRICOS Provider Number: 03567C | EIT Institute of Higher Education PRV14008 | RTO Provider Number: 51971


15 February 2023
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM UTC+8
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Past event

Engineering Institute of Technology