on November 30th, 2023

The paper focuses on the existing policy framework of the Australian Government concerning solar projects. At present, the policy exhibits preference for favouring large-scale solar projects over distributed installations, a perspectve the authors contend should be reversed..

Authors have systematically assessed the potential benefits of distributed installations for all the stakeholders including the individuals, local communities, national grids, and the government. Additionally, the paper provides numerous reasons to highlight the significance and positive outcomes associated with prioritizing investments in distributed solar installations over large-scale solar projects.

The paper also provides strategies for implementing policies and various incentives designed to promote and bolster the adoption of distributed solar installations.

The authors illustrate how directing investments into distributed solar installations would not soley enable the Australian Government to contribute to the global fight against climate change, but also facilitate the creation of a more sustainable, prosperous, and equitable society for all Australians.

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