Student applying for credit

EIT offers recognition of prior learning/credit for our accredited qualifications. 

Accredited qualifications include our diplomas, advanced diplomas, vocational graduate certificate, undergraduate and graduate certificates, bachelor’s and master’s degrees, and Doctor of Engineering programs.

Recognition of prior learning (RPL) is an assessment process that involves assessment of an individual’s relevant prior learning (including formal, informal and non-formal learning) to determine the credit outcomes of an individual application for credit.

Applications for credit on prior learning (also termed RPL applications) are assessed on a case-by-case basis. The total amount of credit granted will vary from individual to individual, based on which qualification(s) or combinations of qualification components have been successfully completed. When you receive a Letter of Offer, you will be invited to submit an RPL application. The fee for this to be assessed is AU$300.

If you have completed an EIT Advanced Diploma, this will provide fixed, automatic credit towards one of EIT’s bachelor’s courses, further details of this can be provided upon request. Further RPL can be applied for as well.

For more information on maximum credit limits and EIT’s Higher Education RPL processes, please refer to our Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning Policy.

Credit Transfer is a process that provides students with agreed and consistent credit outcomes based on equivalence in content and learning outcomes between matched qualifications (or individual units or modules). The program for each qualification consists of a series of Units or Modules. As an Australian Nationally VET Regulated (NVR) Registered Training Organisation (RTO), EIT will recognize Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) and Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications and VET statements of attainment issued by any other Registered Training Organisation (RTO). If a student has studied the Unit or Module in a previous program and they can provide official evidence (statement of attainment, Record of Results, or similar), then EIT will grant the student credit for that Unit or Module.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is an assessment process that involves assessment of an individual’s relevant prior learning (including formal, informal and non-formal learning) to determine the credit outcomes of an individual application for credit. If a student has not studied Units or Modules directly but believes they can present a strong case to demonstrate that they are already competent in the subject matter, then they need to provide detailed evidence. This will require the student to prepare their case and for EIT to assess it. EIT will look at the learning outcomes of the Unit or Module and then assess the evidence that the student has provided against those outcomes.

There is no official limit to the amount of RPL or credit transfer a student can get in VET. Find out more about our Recognition of Prior Learning Policy and Credit Transfer Policy

Engineering Institute of Technology