








Dr Ana Evangelista

On-Campus Lecturer

School of Civil Engineering

8 Thelma Street

Perth Campus

+61 8 9321 1702


BEng, MEng, PhD


Ana is a Civil Engineer with 20 years of work experience as an academic. She started her career coordinating and teaching units at the School of Civil Engineering at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Additionally, she managed the Construction Materials Laboratory, providing external consultancy to the Construction Engineering sector. From 2016 to 2019 she worked as a visiting research fellow in the area of recycled concrete at Western Sydney University / School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics and she has been publishing research outcomes in international conferences and high-ranking journals. PhD research was mostly concentrated on non-destructive tests to evaluate concrete structures. 

Currently, she is a Course Coordinator/Lecturer – Civil Engineering at the Engineering Institute of Technology, working collaboratively with academics and staff, from VET to Doctor of Engineering. Also, she is a member of the Academic Board and coordinator of the Work Integrated Learning program. 

PhD in Civil Engineering (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro); MSc Civil Engineering; Cert IV in TAE; MIEAust.  

Fields of Research Construction Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Sustainability in Construction, Concrete Technology
Research Interest Structural analysis and Non-destructive test, Life cycle assessment of buildings and materials

Professional Memberships
  • Member of Institute of Engineer Australia (ID: 347445)


Administrative Responsibilities
  • Work Integrated Learning Coordinator
  • Member – Academic Board
  • Member – Board of Studies and Board of Examiners
  • Member – Teaching and Learning and Admission Committees
  • Course Coordinator – Civil Engineering


  • ACI Materials and Structures
  • Elsevier Journals: Construction and Building Materials, Journal of Building Engineering
  • MDPI Journals: Materials, Sustainability, Minerals and Buildings
  • Taylor and Francis: International Journal of Construction Management
Guest Editor
  • Taylor and Francis, International Journal of Construction Management, Special Edition on “Enhancing energy efficiency via building design”.
    Elsevier book – “Recycled Concrete – technology and performance”. Authors:


Currently Teaching courses/programs
  • BCS106S – Structural Mechanics
  • BCS304S – Road Design
  • MCS502 – Advanced Engineering Materials
  • MCS504 – Project, Design and Construction Management

Total Experience Tertiary: 20 Years

  • Doctoral research project: Soil-Structure Interaction in Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis for
    High-Speed Train Bridge Performance-Based Seismic Design
  • Doctoral research project: Comparative Analysis and Design of 44 Story Multi-Purpose High-Rise RC buildings using Performance-Based Design Procedure and Ethiopian prescribed Reinforced concrete building design codes
  • Doctoral research project: Study on Truss-Column Pinned Connections in Large-Span Steel Structures


Research Most Recent V WY TAM, M SOOMRO, A EVANGELISTA, Quality improvement of recycled concrete aggregate by removal of residual mortar: A comprehensive review of approaches adopted (2021), Construction and Building Materials, 288, 123066,

V WY TAM, Z TAO, A EVANGELISTA, Performance of recycled aggregate concrete filled steel tubular (RACFST) stub columns with expansive agent (2021), Construction and Building Materials 272, 121627,

S S MARTINS, A C EVANGELISTA, A WA HAMMAD, V WY TAM, A HADDAD (2020). Evaluation of 4D BIM tools applicability in construction planning efficiency. International Journal of Construction Management. 1-14. Taylor & Francis.

EVANGELISTA A.C.J &TAM, (2020).”Properties of High-Strength Lightweight Concrete Using Artificial Aggregate”. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Construction Materials, 1-43.

EVANGELISTA, A.C.J., TAM, V.W.Y. AND SANTOS, J. (2019). “Recycled Ceramic Fine Aggregate for Masonry Mortar Production”. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Construction Materials, 225-234.

MK NAJJAR, K FIGUEIREDO, AWA HAMMAD VWY TAM, ACJ EVANGELISTA, A HADDAD (2019), A Framework to Estimate Heat Energy Loss in Building Operation, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 235, 789-800.

MK NAJJAR, VWY TAM, LT DI GREGORIO, ACJ EVANGELISTA, AWA HAMMAD, A HADDAD (2019), Integrating Parametric Analysis with Building Information Modelling to Improve Energy Performance of Construction Projects, Energies 12 (8), 1515.

ACJ EVANGELISTA, JF DE MORAIS, V TAM, M SOOMRO, L TORRES DI GREGORIO & A HADDAD (2019). Evaluation of Carbon Nanotube Incorporation in Cementitious Composite Materials, Materials 12 (9), 1504.

TAM V. W. Y, LE K. N, EVANGELISTA A C J; BUTERA A; TRAN C. N. N. & TEARA A. (2018). “Effect of fly ash and slag in recycled concrete: drying shrinkage, compressive strength modulus of rupture and greenhouse gas emissions analyses”. Frontiers of Engineering Management.

Research Most notable
  • TAM V.W.Y., SOOMRO M., & EVANGELISTA A.C.J. (2018). “A review of recycled aggregate in concrete applications (2000–2017)”. Construction and Building Materials, 172, 272-292 (Highly cited paper – Web of Science).

Publications and News

EIT publication

Assistant robotic machine for Hong Kong construction industry

28 February, 2025
In association with Professor Vivian Tam .This paper reviews and analyses frequent injure spots of construction workers, and its causes of the relevant injures. Case studies are adopted in highlight the relationship of illnesses, injuries and fatalities of construction workers. Health and safety interference is expressed in terms of ergonomic...Read More
EIT publication

Global Research Trends in Performance-Based Structural Design: A Comprehensive Bibliometric Analysis

24 January, 2025
In the context of seismic hazard assessment and engineering design, a comprehensive understanding of local geological and geophysical factors is essential. However, previous studies have lacked crucial components such as local soil condition, ground response analysis, topographic influences, active fault characteristics, slip rates, groundwater behaviour, and slope considerations. To ensure...Read More
EIT publication

Emergence of AI—Impact on Building Condition Index (BCI)

2 December, 2024
The Building Condition Index (BCI) is a widely adopted quantitative metric for assessing various aspects of a building’s condition, as it facilitates decision-making regarding maintenance, capital improvements and, most importantly, the identification of investment risk. In practice, longitudinal BCI scores are typically used to identify maintenance liabilities and trends and...Read More
EIT publication

Building Condition Auditing (BCA)—Improving Auditability—Reducing Ambiguity

16 November, 2024
BCA methodically assesses the state of a building’s deterioration to support Maintenance, Safety, Function, and Compliance purposes. Originally used to assist in identifying urgent repair requirements, it has evolved and become one of the most used tools for assessing a building’s outstanding maintenance liability when a building is transacted or...Read More
EIT publication

Improving Equipment Maintenance—Switching from Corrective to Preventative Maintenance Strategies

11 November, 2024
This paper explores different building maintenance strategies in commercial buildings in Sydney, Australia, focusing on corrective maintenance (CM) and preventive maintenance (PM). While CM involves rectifying issues after they occur, PM aims to enhance productivity by anticipating potential issues. Although PM seems more logical, the decision to implement this type...Read More
EIT publication

Buckling Instability of Monopiles in Liquefied Soil via Structural Reliability Assessment Framework

26 July, 2024
During devastating earthquakes, soil liquefaction has disastrous outcomes on bridge foundations, as mentioned in books and published research. To avoid foundation failure when the surrounding soil is fully liquefied, a bridge’s pile foundation design could be such that the bridge pier is directly resting on the top of a large-diameter...Read More
EIT publication

A Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach for Assessing the Sustainability of an Innovative Pin-Connected Structural System

19 July, 2024
Structural design plays a very important role in reducing environmental impacts by reusing resources, recycling materials, and minimizing waste and pollution in the construction sector. Sustainable design becomes more effective than traditional solutions in achieving the transition to sustainability. The decision-making process is not simple due to the different preferences...Read More
EIT publication

A Comparison Analysis of Buildings as per Norwegian and Ethiopia ES-EN1998-1 Seismic Code

17 June, 2024
Co Author EIT Student Mistreselasie AbateAn earthquake is one of the most significant and shocking natural disasters ever documented anywhere on the planet. Throughout history, it has claimed millions of lives and wreaked devastation on infrastructure. Because earthquake forces are spontaneous and unpredictable, engineering methods must be honed to investigate...Read More
EIT publication

Asset maintenance in Australian commercial buildings

14 June, 2024
Introduction: This study examines the complex link between regular maintenance procedures and the effectiveness of business-related assets in Australia. Commercial buildings are essential to the country’s economy, and the variables affecting their worth must be carefully analysed. Methods: This study evaluates the relationship between asset value and maintenance frequency, examines...Read More

Engineering Surveying: Civil Engineering 

3 May, 2024
The Engineering Institute of Technology’s (EIT) Civil Engineering Lecturer and Course Coordinator, Dr. Ana Evangelista explains the concept and practical applications of engineering surveying. She outlines its role in various fields, including construction, environmental assessment, and infrastructure development.   Dr. Evangelista recently led an engineering surveying demonstration for on-campus students...Read More
EIT publication

Machine learning decision-making tools – eco friendly materials

16 February, 2024
Recycled concrete has emerged as a sustainable alternative to traditional construction materials due to its reduced environmental impact and cost-effectiveness. The physical and mechanical properties of recycled concrete, however, can vary significantly, making it challenging to ensure consistent quality. Machine learning (ML) techniques have been increasingly applied to predict and...Read More
EIT publication

Assessment of concrete and cementitious materials

16 February, 2024
Concrete and cementitious materials are widely used in construction due to their durability, strength, and ability to withstand various environmental conditions. The assessment of these materials is crucial to ensure their quality, performance, and long service life. Cementitious materials, such as Portland cement, silica fume, fly ash, and slag, are...Read More
EIT publication

Chapter 26 – Concrete waste and aggregates

12 January, 2024
Concrete waste is one of the highest proportions of the total construction and demolition materials. Most of the concrete waste generated is sent to landfills. Part of the concrete waste is used as recycled aggregate for producing recycled aggregate concrete; however, recycled aggregate concrete is only used on a limited...Read More
EIT publication

Evaluation of Civil Engineering students’ performance comparing online versus on-campus delivery mode

22 May, 2023
Over the last decade, the educational sector worldwide has been steadily embracing the digital technology revolution by integrating industry 4.0 and web 3.0/4.0/5.0 concepts. Many higher education institutions are leveraging this opportunity offered by the advancements in digital technology and are strongly investing in e-Learning systems offering flexible and blended...Read More
EIT publication

Comparative Response Spectrum Analysis on 15- and 50-Story Reinforced Concrete Buildings Having Shear Walls with and without Openings as per EN1998-1 Seismic Code

16 May, 2023
Medium-rise reinforced concrete (RC) framed apartment complexes with stories ranging from 15 to 50 are becoming more common in Ethiopia’s main cities. In these RC-framed structures, shear walls are included for lateral load resistance. As apertures are frequently provided in shear walls, it is critical to evaluate their influence on...Read More
EIT publication

Industrial and agro-waste materials for use in recycled concrete

27 January, 2023
The rapid urbanization around the world has created shortfall of conventional building construction materials and put a lot of stress on the natural resources, which are getting scarce. Also the disposal of industrial, agro and other solid waste is another serious issue of concern in developing countries. To minimize the cost...Read More
EIT publication

Cement Production and its environmental impact

27 January, 2023
Cement Production and its environmental impact. This chapter deals with cement manufacture, cement properties, types of cements, blended cements and life cycle assessment of different types of cements. Cement is one of the most important building materials around the globe. It is used mainly as binding and strength giving medium...Read More
EIT publication

High-Speed Railway Bridge and Pile Foundation: A Review

11 November, 2022
High-speed railway is trending in developing countries for economic reasons, mobility in the aftermath of COVID-19, and environmental concerns. The high-speed railway operators continuously improve the operational speed to transport more passengers in less time. However, increasing the train loads at high speed might increase the dynamic loads of bridges...Read More
Concrete building

The Growth of Sustainable Concrete

12 September, 2022
Sustainable technologies in civil engineering, including green or sustainable concrete, become even more important now when population growth, continuous industrial development, and construction of infrastructure create huge amounts of construction and demolition (C&D) waste. Additionally, fossil fuels are no longer the cornerstone of the built environment, as bio-based composite building...Read More
EIT publication

Drivers for increasing attractiveness of commercial centers

9 September, 2022
Commercial centers play an important role in the complex ecosystem of cities. Although improving the attractiveness of commercial centers is a fundamental factor for their success, few works address the drivers that contribute to this improvement. This study has two objectives: (1) to research the main drivers that increase the...Read More
Dr Akhlaqur Rahman

A glance at engineering skill gaps, and how to address them

1 August, 2022
Looking at the year ahead, we approached EIT lecturers, esteemed academics and industry professionals, to share their wisdom and identify potential engineering skill gaps which could be faced in 2023. We posed the following three questions to each of our experts: What are some skill gaps engineers could possibly face...Read More

Engineering Institute of Technology’s women in engineering

10 March, 2022
There’s been a continuing influx of women studying in the field of engineering and ultimately joining the workforce and contributing to academia. There have been numerous discussions about closing the gender gap and weeding out discrimination, and sure there’s been tremendous progress made, however, the pursuit is far from complete....Read More
EIT publication

Experimental Study on Truss-Column Pinned Connections in Large-Span Steel Structures

28 February, 2022
A pin-connected joint, which was intended to accommodate a certain in-plane rotation and resist the shear forces, was introduced in this paper. Pinned-connections were applied on Truss-Column joints to support the heavy-loaded floors and roofs in a long-span steel structure. The Pinned-connection was designed in accordance with European code, and...Read More
EIT publication

A prediction model for compressive strength of CO2 concrete using regression analysis and artificial neural networks

5 February, 2022
Concrete is a very effective material for the construction of buildings and infrastructure around the world. Unfortunately, typical concrete is a large contributor to CO2 emissions and consumption of natural reserves. CO2 Concrete allows the mitigation of these downfalls by carbonating recycled aggregate, reducing CO2 emissions, reusing crushed masonry materials...Read More
EIT publication

An Overview of Freeze and Thaw Cycles Affecting the Durability of Recycled Aggregate Concrete

12 October, 2021
Exposure to severe temperatures is one of the critical effects on concrete damage. Additionally, the aggregate porosity (pores in the range of 0.1–0.5 μm) is the characteristic that influences freeze–thaw resistance due to the pore saturation resulting in the concrete deterioration. Freeze and thaw is a durability property which is the...Read More
EIT publication

Deformation and permeability of recycled aggregate concrete – A comprehensive review

9 October, 2021
Properties of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) were found to be dependent on the source, its composition and consistent quality of demolished concrete waste. Many studies have shown that using recycled aggregate (RA) in concrete suffers from strength and durability problems caused mainly due to relatively porous residual mortar adhered on the surface...Read More

World Teachers’ Day: Why These EIT Lecturers Love Teaching

4 October, 2021
October 5th marks World Teachers Day', an opportunity to celebrate and thank teachers for their important role in our communities and for the positive impact they have on the lives of students. Teachers are so much more than meets the eye. In fact, students seldom take into consideration that outside...Read More
EIT publication

Modelling the work-as-done in the building maintenance using a layered FRAM: A case study on HVAC maintenance

3 September, 2021
Maintenance of heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems has become one of the most relevant maintenance operations in public buildings. The intense interaction among human agents and equipment, aligned with information's distributed nature, exposes the maintenance workers to significant and complex risks during their routines. Prescribed procedures frequently differ from...Read More
EIT publication

The success of e-Learning implementation for engineering courses: Case study – EIT

2 July, 2021
Globally, the ease of internet access has had a positive effect on the education sector. Many higher education institutions are leveraging this opportunity and are strongly investing in e-Learning systems offering courses in various disciplines. Engineering courses are challenging on their own, but to teach and engage e-learners' in first...Read More
EIT publication

Implementation of Industry Inputs in Higher Education Courses

2 July, 2021
Higher education courses must be continuously updated to catch up with the ever-changing industrial advancements. An up-to-date course benefits all parties of interest including students, employers and the education institution. This paper discusses the process of identifying industry expectations from graduates and implementing industry inputs based on two engineering courses...Read More
EIT publication

Evaluation of Remote or Virtual Laboratories in E-Learning Engineering Courses

18 June, 2021
The learning environment has shifted from the traditional synchronous classroom-based mode to synchronous and asynchronous online mode. However, critical aspects of engineering courses where theories meet applications, such as in the form of practical or laboratory work, are challenging to be conducted effectively online. The rise of industry 4.0 has...Read More
EIT publication

Quality improvement of recycled concrete aggregate by removal of residual mortar: A comprehensive review of approaches adopted

3 April, 2021
With the goal of achieving sustainable development, numerous research studies have been conducted aimed at reducing construction and demolition waste for improving sustainability and environment and reducing greenhouse-gas emissions.  Recycled concrete aggregate due to its residual adhered mortar has low specific gravity and high water absorption. Both of these impediments contribute in the increase...Read More
EIT publication

A regression-based framework to examine thermal loads of buildings

2 February, 2021
Building facades play an important role in thermal loads, which act as an isolation barrier to ensure thermal comfort to the occupants. Depending on the properties of the building material adopted, each component of a building facade may lose or gain heat, contributing to the building’s thermal load. There is...Read More
EIT publication

An automated thesis supervisor allocation process using machine learning

23 January, 2021
The higher education sector has been growing at a significant rate demanding a variety of skills and knowledge from both sides: instructors and learners. Thesis supervision is one of the main challenges as this activity combines research and teaching practices. To ensure the success of a student’s thesis project, it...Read More
EIT publication

Performance of recycled aggregate concrete filled steel tubular (RACFST) stub columns with expansive agent

21 January, 2021
This paper investigates the effects of the expansive agent on recycled aggregate concrete filled steel tubular (RACFST) stub columns under axial compression. The main experimental parameters include an expansive agent ratio and recycled aggregate replacement ratio. In the current experimental study, owing to the enhanced confinement, the RACFST columns with...Read More
EIT publication

Evaluation of 4D BIM tools applicability in construction planning efficiency

3 November, 2020
Worldwide the construction industry presents a significant demand for new technologies ensuring certainty, cost-effectiveness and time efficiency. Modern construction relies on digital resources, and one of the most prominent novelties is Building Information Modelling (BIM). Construction planning effectiveness is based on clear communication and integration between project planners and other...Read More
EIT publication

Properties of high-strength lightweight concrete using manufactured aggregate

14 July, 2020
The physical and mechanical properties of high-strength lightweight concrete were investigated considering various parameters including mixture design proportions, dosages and types of superplasticiser and silica fume and cement content aiming at a design strength of 45 MPa. The experimental results of density, tensile strength, modulus of elasticity and efficiency factor (ratio...Read More
EIT publication

Recycled ceramic fine aggregate for masonry mortar production

6 September, 2019
Construction and demolition waste is composed of fragments of ceramic tiles, steel, wood, plaster, glass, concrete and mortar. Reduction and reuse of this waste can minimise the consumption of natural resources and energy in the construction industry. In addition, high population growth followed by a large housing deficit in many...Read More
EIT publication

A framework to estimate heat energy loss in building operation

9 July, 2019
Heat energy loss in buildings occurs by two means, namely Fabric Heat Loss and Ventilation Heat Loss. Loss occurs when energy flows out through building envelope from inner warmer air to cooler air located external to the building. The purpose of this study is to identify and estimate the proportion of Heat...Read More
EIT publication

Evaluation of Carbon Nanotube Incorporation in Cementitious Composite Materials

8 May, 2019
Over the last decades, new materials with outstanding performance have been introduced in the construction industry. Considering these new technologies, it is worth mentioning that nanotechnology has revolutionized various areas of engineering. In the area of civil engineering and construction, cement is used for various purposes and the search to...Read More
EIT publication

Integrating Parametric Analysis with Building Information Modeling to Improve Energy Performance of Construction Projects

22 April, 2019
Buildings demand a significant amount of energy during their life cycles, hence, effective design measures need to be adopted to ensure efficient energy usage and management in buildings. This study proposes a framework based on various performance parameters to enable decision-makers utilizing standard procedures and software to empower the process...Read More
EIT publication

Effect of fly ash and slag on concrete: Properties and emission analyses

2 April, 2019
Recycled concrete is a material with the potential to create a sustainable construction industry. However, recycled concrete presents heterogeneous properties, thereby reducing its applications for some structural purposes and enhancing its application in pavements. This paper provides an insight into a solution in the deformation control for recycled concrete by...Read More
EIT publication

A review of recycled aggregate in concrete applications (2000–2017)

3 April, 2018
Solid waste has been an inevitable by-product of the operations of industrialised societies. One result of economic growth is an increase in generation of solid waste which normally was dumped in landfills and caused contamination of soil, water and air from toxic substances such as polychlorinated bi-phenyls (PCB’s), asbestos, construction...Read More
Engineering Institute of Technology