Medhat is a qualified professional Structural Engineer, and since 1986 has lectured at numerous institutions, including the Xian Highway Institute in China, Sultan Qaboos University, and the University of Western Australia. He currently works as an Advanced Skill Lecturer in Civil Engineering at the North Metropolitan TAFE, based in Perth, Western Australia. Previously, Medhat worked in the fields of teaching, research and consultancy; as a research and teaching assistant at the University of Michigan, a consultant in Cairo, and also as a design and site engineer.

Medhat has achieved thirteen journal papers, two research reports and eighteen papers in conference proceedings. These cover several topics including structural dynamics, nonlinear analysis, cyclic loading, analysis and retrofitting of structural steel braces, bridge decks and structural stability.
Medhat also has other talents and interests outside of engineering. He enjoys travel and is fluent in Arabic, French and English, as well as being able to understand basic Mandarin Chinese and Roman languages. He also enjoys music playing and sketching.


Engineering Institute of Technology