What is the Student Ambassador role?

Open to both current students and alumni, this prestigious position combines professional development and personal growth with the opportunity to mentor current and future EIT students. Becoming the Student Ambassador is your chance to build your professional network, speak about your studying experience, develop interpersonal skills, and improve your CV.

Hear from Mildred Nanono: EIT’s 2020 Student Ambassador

What is included within the role?

A profile on the EIT website including a link to your professional profile, e.g., LinkedIn

A personalized EIT Certificate for valuable use on your CV/Resume

Become an integral part of the University community and have valuable networking opportunities

FREE Access to the IDC Technologies video course: Engineering Leadership (valued at US$299)

To be eligible

You must have successfully completed an EIT program or be currently enrolled in an EIT program with no failed assessments to date.

2025 Student Ambassador Application

  • Start with your country’s dialing code. Example: +61
  • Consider, for instance: the content, your lecturers, our unique delivery model, your learning support officers, the technology used, and your interactions with your fellow students. Please include both your study highlights and challenges.
Engineering Institute of Technology