
Our vocational and higher education programs are registered and accredited by the Australian Government.

EIT is authorized by the Australian Government Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) as an Institute of Higher Education (; Provider #PRV14008), a CRICOS Provider (Provider #03567C) and a FEE-HELP provider.

EIT’s Bachelor’s Degrees (offered online and at the Perth campus only) are fully accredited by Engineers Australia and internationally recognized under the Sydney Accord.

Some of EIT’s Master’s Degrees (offered online, at the Perth campus and the Melbourne campus) are fully or provisionally accredited by Engineers Australia and internationally recognized under the Washington Accord. More programs are in the process of obtaining full accreditation.

Please see full details about the international accords and eligible programs below.

EIT is also a Registered Training Organization (RTO) in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector – provider number 51971, registered with and regulated by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA).

Some of EIT’s online Advanced Diplomas are fully or provisionally accredited by Engineers Australia and internationally recognized under the Dublin Accord. Please see full details about the international accords and eligible programs below.

Together with our sister organization IDC Technologies, we have trained over 500,000 engineers, technicians, and technologists globally over the last 30 years.

Accreditation with Professional Engineering Institutions and Societies

Many EIT programs have received recognition, endorsement, and/or accreditation from authorizing bodies based around the world, including those listed below.

Students from any country should note that as a general rule, any individual, with a professional qualification from any educational institution anywhere in the world, can take details of that qualification to their local professional body and ask for it to be assessed for recognition to add to their professional standing within their local jurisdiction.

Students should satisfy themselves through their own research with their local accreditation before commencing the program.

Some of EIT’s online Advanced Diploma programs are fully accredited by Engineers Australia and internationally recognized under the Dublin Accord:

52886WA – Advanced Diploma of Industrial Automation Engineering

52883WA Advanced Diploma of Applied Electrical Engineering (Electrical Systems)

52873WA Advanced Diploma of Civil and Structural Engineering

Additionally, the following online Advanced Diploma programs are provisionally accredited by Engineers Australia under the Dublin Accord.

Please note that provisionally accredited qualifications are not internationally recognized until they are fully accredited. 

EIT is actively pursuing full accreditation with Engineers Australia for the course that are currently under provisional status. Once fully accredited, these qualifications will be internationally recognized, enabling you to work as an Engineering Technician in Australia and other Dublin Accord signatory countries.

The Dublin Accord is an agreement for the international recognition of Engineering Associate qualifications. This professional recognition greatly improves the global mobility of graduates, and offers you the opportunity of a truly international career. Signatories that have full rights of participation in the Accord are:

EIT’s online and on-campus (Perth only) Bachelor’s programs are fully accredited by Engineers Australia and recognized under the Sydney Accord:


On-campus (Perth campus only):


The Sydney Accord is an agreement that ensures the international recognition of Engineering Technologist qualifications. Signatories with full participation rights in the Accord include:

Two EIT Master’s programs are now by fully accredited by Engineers Australia and internationally recognized under the Washington Accord:

In addition, the below online and on-campus (Perth and Melbourne only) programs are provisionally recognized by Engineers Australia.

Provisionally accredited courses are not internationally recognized until they receive full accreditation. 

EIT has commenced the accreditation process for full recognition with Engineers Australia and achieved the provisional accreditation status. Once fully accredited, your qualification will be an internationally recognized qualification which will allow you to work as a Professional Engineer in Australia and other Washington Accord signatory countries.

The Washington Accord is an agreement for the international recognition of Professional Engineer qualifications. Signatories that have full rights of participation in the Accord are listed here:

For the latest list of signatories, please visit:

Country-Specific Accreditation and Professional Recognition Information

In most countries, there are two forms of accreditation for engineering qualifications – national accreditation/recognition by the Government, and professional recognition by an Engineering society or association.

Details about country-specific accreditation and professional recognition follow.

Students are encouraged to conduct their own research on their local accreditation and recognition before commencing the program.

EIT is registered and accredited to offer both degree and vocational programs.

EIT is authorized by the Australian Government Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) as an Institute of Higher Education with registration number PRV14008.

EIT is a Registered Training Organization (RTO) in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector – provider number 51971, registered with and regulated by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA).

Members of Engineers Australia (EA)

Member of Engineers Australia are entitled to claim CPD hours for private study, short courses, and learning activities at the workplace. CPD hours can be claimed for our courses in most cases, but we would always advise individual members to check with EA if unsure regarding a specific course.

The New Zealand Qualifications Authority recognises individual qualifications gained overseas on a case-by-case basis. Advanced Diplomas, for example, when registered at the time of award under the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) are typically recognised as broadly comparable to a National Diploma at level 6 on the New Zealand Qualification Framework (NZQF).

The New Zealand Qualifications Authority has evaluated the Professional Certificate Of Competency in Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) and SCADA Systems (Micro-credential) delivered by Engineering Institute of Technology and has assessed it to be equivalent to 8 credits (80 notional learning hours) at Level 5 on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF).

The Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) aims to promote a high level of education and training of practitioners in the engineering profession. Members may be able to claim CPD hours for EIT programs as part of Category 3, “individual activities”, and should contact ECSA for procedures. ECSA is also a signatory to the Dublin, Sydney and Washington Accord, an international agreement which provides international professional recognition of selected programs.

South African students who successfully complete an EIT qualification have the option to apply for recognition within the education system by SAQA. On application by past graduates, SAQA has previously assessed the EIT Advanced Diploma as a “foreign qualification” at Level 6 (the same level that it is in Australia).

SAQA recognises the Engineering Institute of Technology qualifications. Please click on the link to a letter from SAQA.

In practice, most EIT graduates have not applied to SAQA for accreditation, in part because the strength and international recognition of the qualification is already well documented.

Nationally recognised qualifications that have been achieved at EIT can be compared by UK ENIC to the UK framework. UK ENIC is the UK’s national agency responsible for the recognition of qualifications from overseas and provides services for individuals and organizations to compare international qualifications against UK qualification framework levels.

Graduates of EIT’s Advanced Diploma programs in the UK can be confident that their international qualification has been officially evaluated as comparable to the BTEC /SQA Higher National Diploma (HND) standard / Foundation Degree Standard. A BTEC Higher National Diploma is at the same level of the National Qualifications Framework as NVQ / SVQ Level 4. Recognition will be at a higher level for graduate programs.

IEEE is the world’s largest professional association advancing innovation and technological excellence. EIT is an IEEE Continuing Education Provider. IEEE Continuing Education Programs are peer-reviewed by content experts. All programs that pass this strict process are entitled to award IEEE Continuing Education Units (CEUs), recognized as the standard of excellence for continuing education programs in IEEE’s fields of interest.

All EIT’s Professional Certificate of Competency courses are eligible for the IEEE’s CEUs. EIT will submit the application to IEEE on behalf of our students when requested.

Students who successfully complete an EIT vocational or higher education qualification may be able to apply for recognition of their qualification within the local (home country) education system. Many countries have a process for “recognition of foreign qualifications”. Although you will be studying from your home country, you will be awarded an Australian accredited qualification from EIT, so your EIT qualification may be able to be recognized as a “foreign qualification” if you apply through your local system.

If you would like to find out more, please contact your local education authority. It is important to note that in many cases, formal individual recognition within your home country may not be required because the international validity and accreditation of an Australian qualification is highly regarded.

Members of other engineering organizations may be able to claim credit for professional development and are advised to check with their own organization.

Engineering Institute of Technology