52859WA Graduate Certificate in Renewable Energy Technologies

Course Duration
  • 6 Months
Course Study
Study Mode
  • Online
  • Electrical Engineering
Course Location
  • Online
Course Code
Course Code
Course Intakes
  • 3 June 2025
  • 2 September 2025
Course Type
Course Type
  • Vocational Graduate Certificate
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
Course Fees

Course Overview

This intensive and career-building course provides the specialized and integrated technical and theoretical knowledge required to plan, assess, and understand renewable energy systems and their related technologies.

The VET Student Loan program is available for this course for eligible Australian students. Click here to find out more

Upon completion, students should be able to: 

  • Perform the necessary calculations and design a mini grid.
  • Design a solar-based power generation solution for a specific application.
  • Design a wind-based power generation solution.
  • Evaluate the turbines and generators needed for hydro power generation.
  • Analyze biomass and biofuel technologies for power generation.
  • Select a suitable energy storage technology for a specific application.

Program Details

This course provides practical, industry-focused knowledge in renewable energy technologies combining classic principles with current trends. Designed for engineers looking to advance their careers, it equips you with skills to design renewable energy systems and to evaluate the appropriateness of certain technologies to specific applications. As an advanced practitioner you will develop industry-focused, practical expertise that can be implemented at your workplace. Designing and managing renewable energy systems requires a deep understanding of the different technologies and their suitability to the case at hand. This course aims to provide you with the essential tools so that you can successfully gain such understanding.

The Graduate Certificate is an intensive part-time program, delivered over six months. This course is composed of 6 modules/units. These modules/units cover a range of aspects to provide you with maximum practical coverage in the field of renewable energy.

Unit Number Module/Unit Name Duration (weeks)
GREFGD801 Fundamentals and General Distribution/Interconnection Components 4
GRESBS802 Solar-Based Systems 6
GREWPS803 Wind Power Systems 6
GREHPG804 Hydro Power Generation Systems 3
GREORE805 Other Renewable Energy Technologies 3
GREEST806 Energy Storage Technologies 2

  • Identify and explain characteristics of renewable energy sources and electrical power generation.
  • Analyze distribution and interconnection components in renewable energy systems.
  • Understand solar irradiation, PV cell/module construction, and auxiliary components; design a PV system.
  • Identify attributes of solar thermal systems and characteristics of wind energy and wind turbines.
  • Explain wind turbine control, simulation, and design a wind power system.
  • Explore offshore wind, water, and hydro power generation, including turbines and generators.
  • Understand fuel cells, biomass, biofuel, geothermal, wave, tidal, and other non-mainstream energy technologies.
  • Analyze energy storage technologies, including electrochemical, electromagnetic, thermodynamic, mechanical, and grid-scale storage systems.

This is an advanced program designed for individuals who may already have a relevant undergraduate qualification or higher. If you lack this, you must show relevant and substantial experience in the subject area (subject to the approval of the Dean) combined with evidence of continuing professional development. The program involves depth and complexity in varied specialized contexts.

Applicants must have completed at least a 3-year Bachelor degree in engineering, science or technology or equivalent in a related field; OR

  • An applicant with other tertiary qualifications with relevant vocational practice in an engineering related role may be considered for entry as judged by the admissions committee: OR
  • At least 3 years’ work experience in engineering, science or technology field (the applicant would be required to submit other evidence of general and professional qualifications that demonstrates the potential to pursue graduate studies).


  • Satisfactory English language proficiency at an English pass level in a  Senior Certificate of Education or equivalent; OR
  • A specified level of achievement in a recognized English language test such as IELTS (or equivalent) at a score of at least 6.0 (with no individual band score less than 5.5); OR
  • Satisfactory completion of another course offered by EIT, or delivered by another tertiary institution in English.

Note: All applications are considered on a case-by-case basis. Please check the Documentation Guidelines for your application. The course would be suitable for:

  • Engineers and technologists who have some background in the field and want to extend their knowledge.
  • Those with substantial relevant work experience who need to formalize and enhance their achievements.
  • Those with higher level qualifications in a related field who wish to develop specialist knowledge.

For full current fees in your country go to the drop down filter at the top of this page or visit the Fees page.

VET Student Loan (VSL) Program is available for this course:

This means eligible students can use a VET Student Loan to pay their tuition fees up to a maximum loan cap amount, to be repaid through the Australian Taxation System.

If you have been approved for a VET Student Loan, the borrowed amount will be incurred as a debt that is repayable to the Commonwealth government.

Click here to learn more about your eligibility and applying for VET Student Loan (VSL) on this course.

Payment Methods

Learn more about payment methods, including payment terms & conditions and additional non-tuition fees.

This qualification is officially accredited within the Australian Qualifications Framework by the Training Accreditation Council (TAC), and EIT is approved by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) to deliver in all Australian states. EIT delivers this program to students worldwide.

This course is classified as Level 8 under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).

Find out more about country-specific accreditation and professional recognition.

This course may use the following software:

  • PSIM

Due to ongoing unit and course reviews, software may change from the list provided. Learn more about the Practical Learning at EIT here.

You could expect to gain employment in the following industries:
  • Power generation
  • Energy and environmental consultancies
  • Local councils
  • Energy market operator
  • Energy efficiency and environmental consultancies
Potential job outcomes could include:
  • Electrical Engineer/Senior Electrical Engineer
  • Environmental Engineer
  • Environmental Officer
  • Project Manager
  • Project Coordinator
  • QA/QC Manager
  • Sales Engineer
  • Renewable Energy Consultant

Program leader for this program is Dr Hadi Harb

You are expected to spend approximately 10-15 hours per week attending live webinars, learning the program material and completing assessments. This includes attending weekly webinars that run for about 60 minutes to facilitate class discussion and allow you to ask questions. This program has a 70% attendance requirement in the live webinars in order to graduate from the program. If you are unable to attend the live webinars, you have the option of watching the recording of completed webinars and sending a summary of what you have learnt from the webinar to the Learning Support officer. The summaries go towards your attendance requirement for the program.

This program is run online on an intensive part-time basis and has been designed to fit around full-time work. It will take 6 months to complete.

EIT understands that sometimes work commitments and personal circumstances can get in the way of your studies, so if at any point you feel that you are struggling with the pace of the course or finding a particular module challenging, you are encouraged to contact your designated Learning Support Officer for assistance.

Any student has a right to appeal a decision of the Engineering Institute of Technology (EIT) or any member of the institute’s staff. EIT has a comprehensive Policy on Appeals and Grievances to assist students.

Hear from our students

  Admirable course.  
  Course materials are well set and there is enough information to read on later for own benefit or understanding.  
  Very good course.  

Helpful Information

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